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The Team - East of England

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Chloé Townsend - Colchester, Essex

Hi, I’m Chloé, qualified fitness instructor/Gym Instructor from Essex. I teach a wide variety of fitness classes in gyms and the community - my favourite classes to teach are anything dance/movement related. I also love teaching lower impact sessions too, like Aqua Aerobics and Stretch and Relaxation. I’ve completed my chair-based exercise course and can’t wait to bring my fun energy and positive personality too the care homes.


I teach all ages, sizes and abilities and I am really looking forward to working closer with people living in care settings.

Gina Drummond - Norfolk/Cambridgeshire/Lincolnshire

Gina has been in the leisure industry for 12 years, working as a swimming teacher and lifeguard alongside her chair/based fitness classes. Having also previously worked in a care home setting, she has experienced the benefits of Gfitness classes first-hand and is keen to achieve the same results elsewhere.


Gina understands the importance of participants having fun, rather than just simply exercising, and looks forward to meeting new people along the way.

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Andrea Stewart - West Essex

I’m Andrea. I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for 28 years. I’ve taught in various disciplines from high impact Jane Fonda style, to the now holistic calm way of life. My passion throughout has always been special populations with Mature Movers being my favourite.  I love the interaction and response from teaching older adults.  The difference from the start to the end of a class is so rewarding.  Their smiles say it all and every session I get to experience something new. Gfitness have given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge and teaching skills in the environment I love.

Joe Smith - Norfolk

Hi I’m Joe, My fitness journey began back in 2011 when I qualified as a level 3 personal trainer. I’ve since become qualified as a level 4 strength and conditioning coach and I’ve gained a qualification as a senior fitness specialist.


I found my passion for training the older population when I was working in the commercial gyms, as I found it much more interesting and therefore much more rewarding. I’m a mad sports fan and took part in a number of sports such as football, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and cross country running to name a few.

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Jen Bidwell - Cambridgeshire

Hello my name is Jen! I have been a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor for over 5 years and I am based in Cambridge. Since I first qualified, I quickly learnt that I love helping others in any way possible. I absolutely love teaching and coaching. I currently work as a Bootcamp Instructor, teach various fitness classes for different age ranges in local gyms and I’m also training to become a bungee fitness instructor! I have completed my chair-based exercise course and I’m super keen to get started. Exercise is for everyone and I’m excited to see what difference I can make with my fun, friendly approach and positive energy.

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